Like many other K-Drama enthusiasts, I am currently obsessed with Lovely Runner. We are incredibly fortunate to have Byeon Woo-Seok and Kim Hye-Yoon leading the show, as no one else could portray Ryu Sun-Jae and Im Sol as perfectly as they do. The brilliance of this series has completely blown me away. What excites and captivates us about this eclectic medley? My goal is to analyse every aspect thoroughly.

In the dynamic landscape of Korean drama, where success often hinges on star power and strategic marketing, Lovely Runner emerged as a phenomenon that defied all expectations. This captivating drama captured the hearts of audiences worldwide, not through the glitz and glamour of A-list stars or hefty promotional campaigns, but through the sheer brilliance of its storytelling, fascinating characters, and impeccable production quality.

In this examination of Lovely Runner, we dive into the factors behind its remarkable success and the obstacles it faced. From casting challenges to controversial storylines, we explore how this drama captivated audiences with its resilience and interesting narrative. In this article, I will delve into the success and challenges the show faced. Stay tuned for upcoming analyses on the symbolism, cinematography, and specific scenes, including fascinating parallels throughout the series.

(Stay tuned for upcoming analyses on the symbolism, cinematography, and specific scenes, along with fascinating parallels throughout the series.)

The success of Lovely Runner

The success of Lovely Runner defies conventional norms and challenges the established formula for K-content triumph. Lovely Runner’s surprising success has amazed many. Despite lacking big-name stars or extensive promotion, this drama has won over audiences with its excellent script, cast, and visuals.

From topping charts to dominating online platforms, its impact is undeniable. Even its fictional band, Eclipse, has become a sensation, with hit tracks climbing music charts. All this without prime-time slots or sponsorship funding, proving that quality storytelling can triumph against the odds.

Let’s explore how Lovely Runner has surpassed expectations, building a dedicated fanbase and achieving remarkable milestones in both viewership and music charts.

Defies the success formula.

The unexpected rise to fame of Lovely Runner has defied conventional expectations. Despite lacking A-list stars, extensive marketing, prime-time slots, or the backing of a high-traffic streaming service, the drama has captured audiences’ hearts with its flawless script, cinematography, and stellar cast. Featuring a talented ensemble of new actors, Lovely Runner has garnered popularity by deviating from the typical K-content success formula, building a strong online fanbase and making a significant impact in the digital sphere.

A TVN official reported that mentions of the show on social media and online communities increased sevenfold by the 8th episode compared to the average for Monday-Tuesday dramas that aired in the latter half of 2023, starting from April 30.

All of this from a show that proceeded without sponsorship funding or proper promotion. The time slot afforded to them wasn’t prime-time (Monday and Tuesday evenings), so it came as a surprise to many that Lovely Runner has been such a hit.

Global popularity and viewer milestones

Lovely Runner has showed its global appeal by consistently surpassing its own viewership milestones. The Monday-Tuesday drama secured the top spot among all channels for six straight weeks in the coveted 20-49 male and female viewer demographics. It achieved the highest viewership among women in their 20s compared to weekday dramas aired across all channels this year.

According to the latest survey by FUNdex, conducted by Good Data Corporation, Lovely Runner secured the top spot for the second consecutive week with a rating of 58.37%. Byun Woo-Seok, Kim Hye-Yoon, and Song Geon-Hee claimed the top three spots in the comprehensive TV-OTT performer survey, securing the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions, respectively.

During the fifth week of airing, Lovely Runner achieved an average topicality score of 68,248 points, marking the ninth highest score in history. It remains intriguing to observe how much further Lovely Runner can ascend in popularity.

During the first week of May, Lovely Runner claimed the top spot on Viu’s weekly view chart in Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia. This accomplishment occurred within just four weeks of the drama’s availability on the local platform.

Up to the 10th episode, Lovely Runner garnered a cumulative total of 570 million views. The real-time viewership shares across all live channels on Tving surpassed 94%, underscoring the widespread interest in the drama.

Eclipse’s rise to stardom

Not only has the hit TVN drama broken its personal record for viewership, but the band Eclipse from the show has also seen a surge in popularity. It’s not the first time a fictional band has gained immense love and support from fans, but it’s amazing how the four-member band in Lovely Runner is dominating the music charts.

Woo-Seok shines as the main vocalist for the band’s fantastic tracks, “Sudden Shower,” “Run Run,” “You And I,” “No Fate,” and “I’ll Be There.” His mesmerising voice has captivated fans, leading to the band’s rapid rise in popularity.

“Sudden Shower” even entered the Top 100 of Korea’s Melon music chart in May 2024, a remarkable achievement for any artist let alone a fictional band! On Spotify, ECLIPSE boasts over a million monthly listeners, with all five of their tracks surpassing a million streams.

Lovely Runner continues to dominate music charts, brand reputation rankings, and OTT platforms, consistently holding the number one position on Viu across multiple countries for several consecutive days.

Lovely Runner’s unexpected rise to fame underscores the power of quality storytelling and talent, triumphing over conventional success formulas. From its stellar script and cast to the sensational impact of its fictional band, Eclipse, the drama has defied expectations and captivated audiences worldwide.

Chemistry on screen: Kim Hye-Yoon and Byeon Woo-Seok’s captivating performances

Kim Hye-Yoon brings the character of Im Sol to life in Lovely Runner, portraying the female protagonist with depth and nuance. Known for her acclaimed performances, Hye-Yoon effectively captures the emotions of a devoted fan determined to alter her idol’s tragic destiny. Im Sol’s pivotal role in the story hinges on Hye-Yoon’s exceptional portrayal, earning praise from the director for her compelling performance and vibrant on screen presence. Hye-Yoon’s ability to forge powerful chemistry with her co-stars further enhances the drama, establishing her as a standout talent in any pairing.

Meanwhile, Woo-Seok, renowned for his portrayal of the quintessential “first love” in previous works, showcases a new facet of his talent in Lovely Runner. Despite his already-established presence in the entertainment industry, this drama solidifies Woo-Seok’s status as a rising star. His performance resonates with audiences, further elevating his popularity and hinting at even greater success on the horizon.

Expressing his enthusiasm for the series, Woo-Seok lauds his chemistry with Kim Hye-Yoon, praising their seamless connection on set. He attributes their strong rapport to Hye-Yoon’s extensive experience in romantic comedies, acknowledging her professionalism and emphasising the palpable chemistry clear in their performances.

Together, Hye-Yoon and Woo-Seok captivate viewers with their remarkable portrayals, perfectly suited to the romantic comedy genre. Their co-stars echo this sentiment, recognising the duo’s flawless embodiment of their respective characters.

(I will write further on their chemistry and acting in further articles)

Troubles and controversies faced in production.

Amidst the captivating success story of Lovely Runner lies a tale of trials and tribulations faced during its production journey. Casting challenges and revitalisation illuminate the initial hurdles, where the drama’s conception faced setbacks because of casting difficulties, only to find newfound energy with the emergence of Byun Woo-Seok and Kim Hye-Yoon in leading roles.

However, even with its remarkable progress, the drama hasn’t been immune to controversy. The backlash of the use of Sol’s disability sheds light on the criticism regarding the portrayal of disability as a plot device, while the controversy surrounding similarities with SHINee member Jong-Hyun’s life story delves into the delicate balance between creative expression and real-life events. Kim Hye-Yoon’s change of agency and lack of promotions underscore the intricacies of navigating the entertainment industry’s volatile landscape.

These challenges, while formidable, serve as testaments to the resilience and adaptability of both the production team and the cast, as they strive to overcome obstacles and deliver an interesting narrative to their audience. In the subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into each of these aspects, exploring the complexities and implications of the issues faced during the production of Lovely Runner.

Casting challenges and revitalisation

Initially underestimated in the K-content market, Lovely Runner faced a three-year journey to production. The challenge primarily stemmed from casting the male lead, with many actors declining the role because of misconceptions about the storyline. However, Byun Woo-Seok’s standout performance in ’20th Century Girl’ caught the director’s eye, breathing new life into the project and expediting its development. Byeon Woo-Seok’s commitment extended beyond acting, as he underwent rigorous training to authentically portray Sun-Jae.

Director Yoon Jong-Ho underscored the pivotal role of Kim Hye-Yoon’s acceptance, highlighting her indispensable contribution to the drama. From the outset, the writer promoted Hye-Yoon’s involvement, shaping Im Sol’s character to align with her unique talents, despite the series being based on the Webtoon “The Best of Tomorrow.”

Amidst production, there was a change in directorship, introducing new dynamics to the creative process. This transition, coupled with unforeseen challenges, extended the filming period from the planned five months to a demanding ten months. Despite these hurdles, the collaborative efforts of the cast and crew, alongside the unwavering dedication of Byeon Woo-Seok and Kim Hye-Yoon, propelled Lovely Runner to fruition.

In “Lovely Runner,” the writer drew inspiration from an actress to craft the character of Im Sol, while casting the male lead role, declined by at least 5 other actors, with an actor new to leading roles. Destined to portray the lead characters, Kim Hye-Yoon and Byeon Woo-Seok ensured the success of the drama.

Backlash of the use of Sol’s disability

Sol, who is paralysed from the waist down because of a car accident, attempts to travel back in time to save Sun-Jae with her uninjured legs from the past. This twist, absent in the original, adds dramatic weight to the storyline, but has also faced criticism for presenting disability as something to be overcome.

In contrast to the original material, the drama emphasises Im Sol’s disability resulting from a car accident at nineteen, making it a central element of the storyline. Im Sol’s paralysis becomes a key focus, depicting her daily struggles and resilience. Her disability evokes feelings of powerlessness, yet her determination of post-time travel suggests it will significantly affect her future and aspirations.

While there may be doubts about integrating Im Sol’s disability into the narrative, it holds personal significance for the author, drawing from her experiences with disabled family members. The intention isn’t to criticise but to shed light on the challenges of living with a disability and its influence on one’s life journey.

(I will write a more in-depth analysis and article about this at a later date.)

Backlash regarding similarities with SHINee member Jong-Hyun’s life.

Lovely Runner has also sparked controversy because of the perceived parallels with the late SHINee member Jong-Hyun’s life story, whose death in 2017 deeply affected fans. Some online users speculated that the drama was referring to Jong-Hyun. CJ ENM addressed these allegations through viewer counselling, firmly denying any intentional references to the late singer in the drama. They also clarified that there was no intentional arrangement regarding the first broadcast date.

In response to the controversy, the production team from CJ ENM explained their decision to move the drama’s timeline to 2008, instead of sticking to the original timeline. This change should emphasise the differences between the eras, setting the story 15 years in the past rather than the original six. Director Yoon Jong-Ho further addressed the matter during a press conference, stating that the show’s premiere date was determined sequentially and that selecting a specific date was not workable.

Fans were divided over the drama’s narrative changes, with some expressing frustration over what they perceive as a disregard for Jong-Hyun’s memory. South Korean netizens debated whether the creators of Lovely Runner intentionally made the plot similar to Jong-Hyun’s life story. However, many defended the production, arguing that the plot had no correlation with the late singer. The audience was keen to highlight the differences between Kim Hye-Yoon’s drama Lovely Runner and the original Webtoon version, particularly the cause of death of Ryu Sun Jae and the storyline involving Sun Jae’s four-member group.

Kim Hye-Yoon’s change of agency and lack of promotions

The transition in Kim Hye-Yoon’s agency sparked controversy within the industry, prompting discussions among insiders about potential repercussions for both her former and current agencies. Despite lacking substance, the accusations caused delays in effectively addressing the situation. Unlike Byun Woo-Seok’s smoothly planned engagements, Kim Hye-Yoon’s switch led to inevitable scheduling challenges, significantly affecting her activities.

Despite considering addressing the controversy directly, she opted to wait for a more opportune moment, expressing regret about any inconvenience caused by her current agency. Recent reports outline her resumed activities, including a photoshoot and interviews, with plans to clarify the controversy following the drama’s conclusion. The contrasting experiences highlight the unpredictability of public perception and the challenges of agency transitions in the entertainment industry.


In the ever-develop landscape of Korean drama, where success often seems predetermined by star power and marketing prowess, Lovely Runner emerges as a beacon of innovation and resilience. This captivating drama has not merely entertained but has also challenged the norms of the industry, proving that quality storytelling and genuine talent can transcend conventional barriers.

From its inception, Lovely Runner defied expectations, embarking on a three-year journey to production fraught with casting challenges and logistical hurdles. Yet, against all odds, the drama found its footing and soared to unprecedented heights, captivating audiences worldwide with its compelling narrative and exceptional performances.

The success of Lovely Runner isn’t merely measured in ratings and viewership records, although it has achieved remarkable milestones in both. It’s a testament to the power of authenticity and creativity in an industry often driven by formulaic approaches and calculated risks. The unexpected rise of Eclipse, the fictional band within the series, further exemplifies the show’s ability to resonate beyond the confines of traditional television.

Central to the show’s triumph are the captivating performances of its lead actors, Kim Hye-Yoon and Byeon Woo-Seok, whose chemistry on screen has become the stuff of legend. Their portrayal of Im Sol and Ryu Sun Jae not only captured the hearts of viewers but also sparked meaningful discussions about representation and storytelling ethics.

Yet, amidst its triumphs, Lovely Runner hasn’t been immune to controversy and challenges. From criticisms regarding the portrayal of disability to allegations of narrative parallels with real-life events, the drama navigated turbulent waters with grace and integrity. Kim Hye-Yoon’s agency transition, though marred by controversy, underscores the complexities of the entertainment industry and the resilience required to weather storms.

As we get ready to bid farewell to Lovely Runner, we are left with more than just fond memories of a captivating drama. We are reminded of the transformative power of storytelling and the enduring legacy of those who dare to defy conventions. Lovely Runner isn’t just a drama; it’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless possibilities of the imagination.

In its wake, Lovely Runner leaves an indelible mark on the landscape of Korean drama, inspiring future generations of storytellers and captivating audiences with its timeless tale of love, friendship, and resilience. As we reflect on its journey, we are reminded that sometimes, the most unexpected places give birth to the most beautiful stories, reminding us that in the realm of storytelling, anything is possible.

In the end, our journey with ‘Lovely Runner’ is not just about the destination but the experiences and emotions we’ve shared along the way. As we prepare to bid farewell to this remarkable drama, let us express our gratitude for the joy, laughter, and tears it has brought into our lives, and eagerly expect the next chapter in the ever-evolving landscape of Korean drama.


Controversy Surrounding “Lovely Runner” Drama Plot Explained

‘Lovely Runner’ dismisses speculation of link to SHINee’s Jong-Hyun

‘Lovely Runner’ responds to allegations of plot similar to SHINee’s Jong-Hyung story – Farida Amalia Dwi Yanti Tuesday, 09 April 2024 – 14:06 WIB

New Kdrama “Lovely Runner” Faces Controversy For Plot Being Similar To SHINee’s Jong-Hyun’s Story, Production Company Addresses The Backlash – Published April 9, 2024 7:19 am By Hilda Moore

The creators of the drama “Grab Song Jae and Run” deny a reference to Jong-Hyung from SHINee

Kim Hye-Yoon, the full story of the controversy over neglect by her agency

“Lovely Runner” highlights a very daunting issue in Korea’s “perfect image” society

‘Lovely Runner’ … Reframing Disabilities as Faults

Lovely Runner’s Byeon Woo-Seok on His Chemistry with Kim Hye-Yoon: ‘Cannot Be Expressed in Words’ – Varsha Narayanan – March 22, 2024·3 min read

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